Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm Bald!

I am not going to name names, but some people in our family are dying of old age, while others are balding and developing guts. No worries, because 08' is the year of health and wellness and change is possible. As the former chief editor of Men's Health and current fitness editor of the Oatmeal Buffet blog, I will be posting blogs on different topics from why men have bitch tits to why 90 percent of women have thunder thighs. As for today, did you know if you took the 13 billion hamburgers that Americans eat every year and put them in a straight line, they could circle the earth more than 32 times. Moreover, did you know that a single fast food hamburger may contain meat from hundreds, eve thousands, of different cattle. The fact of the matter is if you want to be a lean, mean, fighting machine, then you need to avoid the extra cheese, curly fries and sour cream.

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