Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bat Adventures

JJ and I were playing the Wii in the basement last night. While he was taking a chip, what I thought was a bird flew by. It took a second to register. Was that part of the game? A quick turn around followed by JJ yelling "BAT!" turned things up a notch. The game would have to be postponed. The bat was swooping around the basement. Still with the Wii remotes in hand, we both barreled over chairs and boxes to get upstairs. We made it. We were peaking around the door to the basement. OMG! Out of hell the devil came at about 50 mph. JJ quickly slammed the door and we both dove backwards, landing on our backs. Someone's face would've been ripped off if JJ didn't get that door shut.

Long story short, the bat is trapped in the storage area. It will stay there till its death. Starvation sucks.

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